Is AI Our Biggest Job Competitor?

AI image generator app. Person creating photo art with Artificial Intelligence software in computer laptop. Technology trends

We have been told that as business professionals, we need to start embracing AI. Some experts even go as far as to say that AI knowledge is one of the most bankable job skills in the current job market. But what happens when the technology you’re adopting starts to take your job? This is a genuine concern that many professionals across all industries have, including HR. 

If you’re watching the news, you’ve heard about the current WAG/SAG strikes. Among the qualms, actors want safeguards against the unauthorized use of their images through artificial intelligence (AI). Shocking, I know. And it’s not just Hollywood that has “AI concerns”, many HR professionals are also wary of the technology. Since AI can handle a variety of tasks such as recruiting and screening, it’s no wonder that those in Human Resource management would have some distrust. 

So, does AI adoption mean the end of HR? No. HR still needs a “human touch”. Many of us still don’t want AI to be responsible for decision making so it will play more of a role in medial tasks for now. So, what does “human touch” mean? “Humans” have soft skills that AI can’t replicate. For example, these three soft skills that are heavily valued in human resources are considered top skills to have for your career: 

  1. Personal Accountability 
  2. Collaboration 
  3. Conflict Resolution  

Soft skills are very hard to teach, and if people continue to desire human connection, the need to employ collaborative and positive leaders will still be there.  

Sources: SHRMCBS NewsWorkitDaily