Employee Recognition Programs: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Employee recognitions programs at work.

It’s easy for employee recognition to fall by the wayside. After all, employees doing what is required of their role is expected by those in leadership positions. However, fulfilling job requirements does not negate the benefits of acknowledging the efforts put into helping the teams to succeed in company goals. Yet, research has revealed that 29% of survey respondents haven’t received recognition for good work done in over a year. And with lack of recognition placed as the third highest reason for leaving a job, it would behoove leaders to shine a light on employee success. Through well-structured employee recognition programs, HR leaders can ensure each employee receives the appreciation they rightfully earned.

Why Recognition Matters

Employee recognition programs aren’t just about occasionally telling your employees, “Good job.” In fact, the way recognition is delivered can impact an employee’s perception of how their work is valued.  According to O.C. Tanner’s Appreciation Index, approximately 40% of employees interpret their recognition as an empty gesture, and employees are 68% more likely to feel that recognition is not a priority for their organization.

Meanwhile, Gartner also found that organizations with a strong recognition program saw an 11.1% boost in employee performance. The road to an effective employee recognition program may not be clear-cut, but its benefits are hard to ignore.

Case Study: BP

For companies looking to improve their recognition strategy, BP’s program is one to watch. On a global scale, BP originally struggled to ensure consistent recognition. With employees in different teams across countries receiving different levels of acknowledgment, many employees were left feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

When BP organized its recognition strategy to be consistent across the company, it saw a positive shift in the employee experience. BP now weaves its employee recognition strategy into its employees’ daily work. These accomplishments, such as accountability and effective teamwork, aren’t always tangible, but they are still crucial. By the end of 2023, BP had distributed 190,000 awards in over 50 countries.

While not every organization is as large-scale as BP, its program offers a unique lesson in finding creative ways to integrate employee recognition into daily work life.

Ready, Set, Recognize

Ready to build an employee recognition program? Here are three strategies that go beyond cash incentives and will boost employee morale:

  1. Involve the CEO in Recognition: Did you know that 24% of employees say the most memorable recognition they’ve received came from the CEO? According to Gallup, having your top leader personally acknowledge exceptional work can create a lasting impact, enhancing both morale and loyalty.
  2. Celebrate Project Milestones: Don’t let the completion of major projects go unnoticed. Host a celebration, whether it’s an office gathering or an outing, to recognize the hard work and dedication of your team. These moments of acknowledgment can strengthen camaraderie and keep motivation high.
  3. Reward with Extra Vacation Time: Give your employees the gift of time. Awarding employees extra paid time off not only shows appreciation but also gives them the chance to recharge, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction when they return.

The Bottom Line

By moving beyond simple gestures and integrating meaningful recognition into daily operations, companies can create an environment where employees feel truly valued. Remember, when recognition is done right, it can transform your workplace and motivate employees to go above and beyond.