Workplace Innovation
Employee burnout is a national crisis among workplaces, and it’s an issue that has continued to receive more attention since the start of the pandemic and The Great Resignation. Popular advice to prevent burnout is to ensure a healthy...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are critical to the workplace now more than ever. With 73% of HR professionals deeming it necessary to their organization’s success and 76% of people looking to work with a diverse team, DEI's...
The benefits of promoting an empathetic workplace are too significant for HR professionals to ignore. Companies where leaders are perceived as empathetic see a reduction in employee turnover partnered with a rise in productivity. On top of a boost in...
With advancements in healthcare allowing older employees to put off retirement while Generation Z ages into the workforce, HR leaders are now seeing their workplace attempt to integrate five generations of employees: traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and...
Ever since the pandemic and the end of lockdown in the U.S., remote work has been on the decline. The beginning of 2021 saw remote work hit its peak at 37% of households having at least one member working...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not new to the business world, but it has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years. Where only 20% of S&P 500 companies published sustainability reports in 2011, that number jumped to 90% in...
The backlash against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives is a constant obstacle in today’s workforce. In a perfect world, every employee would engage with DEI programs to secure their effectiveness, but the reality is much more complicated. While...
It’s no secret that the ability to work remotely is popular among employees. With a greater opportunity to improve their work-life balance, many employees are determined to only work for companies that provide flexible work options. When offered, 87%...
The Gen Z Factor
The post-pandemic world has shifted the working landscape like never before. Companies were pushed to adapt to the “new normal” by implementing remote/hybrid accommodations and increasing focus on employee wellness. Despite all the changes that companies...
The evolution of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the workplace continues as more businesses realize the benefits that come along with them. With diverse companies being 70% more likely to attract new markets, it’s clear why DEI...