Workplace Innovation

In a revealing survey conducted by Gallup, it was found that employees struggling to thrive at work reported significant challenges: 61% of these individuals indicated a higher likelihood of experiencing burnout, while 66% faced a greater propensity for daily worry....
In today’s workplace, the presence of unprecedented generational diversity presents both challenges and opportunities. Understanding and appreciating the distinct characteristics and preferences of each cohort—from Baby Boomers to Generation Z—is crucial for fostering a cohesive and productive environment. The Marsh McLennan...
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing and finding its way into various industries and sectors. One area where its impact is increasingly felt is in the hiring process, specifically in screening resumes. A recent ResumeBuilder...
By now you’ve probably heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI) bots like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. You’ve also probably heard about how it might be affecting all manner of job markets and hiring processes. One of the most significant ways that...
America’s workforce is changing. While it’s obvious that economies and labor pools are almost never static in an open market, the changes we are seeing to modern western economies is unprecedented in terms of sheer scale, led on largely due...
Employee engagement is a critical factor in any organization’s success. Engaged employees are more productive, more creative, and more likely to stay with their company. They are also more likely to provide excellent customer service and to go above...
As a Human Resources manager, you know that employee retention is one of the most important aspects of having a reliable and seasoned workforce. After the so-called “Great Resignation” over the last two years, retention is of the utmost...
As an employee, there’s nothing more satisfying than working for a company that values your contributions and invests in your growth. Employee retention is a critical factor for the success of any organization, and effective communication plays a vital...
Employee engagement is a measure of how invested and connected employees feel towards their jobs, colleagues, and the overall goals of the company. It goes beyond mere job satisfaction and is essential for creating a motivated, productive, and high-performing...
We have been told that as business professionals, we need to start embracing AI. Some experts even go as far as to say that AI knowledge is one of the most bankable job skills in the current job market....