Leadership and Management

Employee engagement is a critical factor in any organization’s success. Engaged employees are more productive, more creative, and more likely to stay with their company. They are also more likely to provide excellent customer service and to go above...
As an employee, there’s nothing more satisfying than working for a company that values your contributions and invests in your growth. Employee retention is a critical factor for the success of any organization, and effective communication plays a vital...
While it is up to HR to ensure leadership positions are given to the best possible candidate, the hiring process isn’t a perfect one. Unfortunately, some leadership styles don’t fully reveal themselves until it’s time to address real-world scenarios....
In today’s evolving workplace landscape, ensuring employee well-being is more critical than ever. From prenatal care to corporate wellness programs and financial health, HR professionals must adopt a holistic approach to support their workforce. Recent developments and research underline...
Microfeminism, gaining traction from TikTok to corporate offices, presents a dynamic approach to bridging the gender gap in professional settings. This strategy involves intentional, minor actions—whether it's the inclusive language we adopt or the equitable acknowledgment of contributions—that collectively...
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation have left their marks on today’s workforce. With the “Great Resignation 2.0” threatening to rear back its head, the working landscape has never felt more unstable. As employees...
"It was like some sort of sorcery had happened. As soon as the pressure was gone, I was more productive than I've been in a long time.” This quote from Marisa Jo Mayes, a social media influencer and co-founder...
Creating a positive workplace environment that nurtures employee well-being is essential in today’s fast-paced work culture. By promoting a balanced work-life dynamic through flexible scheduling, we empower employees to manage their time effectively while maintaining high productivity levels. These...
Workplace toxicity rears its ugly head once again as more allegations of toxic working environments take headlines; this time Jimmy Fallon is the accused. In a recent article by Rolling Stone, both past and current employees discussed the toxic...
As the 2024 U.S. presential race begins to heat up, so do workplace tensions. No matter where you stand during this election, keeping these debates out of the workplace is imperative. Differing political views can easily lead to arguments...