Strategic HR

In a post-pandemic era where employee retention has become increasingly difficult, developing a strong work culture has become a priority for many companies. Research has revealed that 46% of job seekers see company culture as an important factor when...
The worst-case scenarios will happen when you least expect them. From CrowdStrike’s global outage to Microsoft’s large-scale data breach, crises can happen for any reason. While HR can’t predict the exact circumstances of the next potential emergency, having a...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not new to the business world, but it has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years. Where only 20% of S&P 500 companies published sustainability reports in 2011, that number jumped to 90% in...
Understanding Unconscious Bias In a world where companies aim to strengthen their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts, they must also tackle the obstacles that work against the success of these initiatives. Bias is just one interference that leaders will...
In today’s workplace, the presence of unprecedented generational diversity presents both challenges and opportunities. Understanding and appreciating the distinct characteristics and preferences of each cohort—from Baby Boomers to Generation Z—is crucial for fostering a cohesive and productive environment. The Marsh McLennan...
With advancements in healthcare allowing older employees to put off retirement while Generation Z ages into the workforce, HR leaders are now seeing their workplace attempt to integrate five generations of employees: traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and...
It’s no secret that the ability to work remotely is popular among employees. With a greater opportunity to improve their work-life balance, many employees are determined to only work for companies that provide flexible work options. When offered, 87%...
As businesses strive to stay competitive and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape, HR leaders are placing a renewed emphasis on strategic HR investments for 2024. According to a recent survey by Gartner, focal points for HR investments include HR...
Moving forward in 2024, leaders must understand the shifting landscape in the HR world. While HR professionals are well-acquainted with the traditional roles of compliance, recruitment, and other administrative duties, recent years have led to a modern evolution within...
The Need for Upskilling and Reskilling In today's fast-paced business world, staying competitive means keeping up with the rapid changes in technology and industry demands. Companies must take a proactive approach to address the growing skills gap and enhance employee...