Workplace Culture

The recent unveiling of the TELUS Mental Health Index by TELUS Health, which surveys the mental well-being of employees across multiple countries, brings to light significant insights. The findings from the United States report reveal a concerning stagnation in the...
It’s no secret that the ability to work remotely is popular among employees. With a greater opportunity to improve their work-life balance, many employees are determined to only work for companies that provide flexible work options. When offered, 87%...
Creating a positive workplace environment that nurtures employee well-being is essential in today’s fast-paced work culture. By promoting a balanced work-life dynamic through flexible scheduling, we empower employees to manage their time effectively while maintaining high productivity levels. These...
In today’s evolving workplace landscape, ensuring employee well-being is more critical than ever. From prenatal care to corporate wellness programs and financial health, HR professionals must adopt a holistic approach to support their workforce. Recent developments and research underline...
As a Human Resources manager, you know that employee retention is one of the most important aspects of having a reliable and seasoned workforce. After the so-called “Great Resignation” over the last two years, retention is of the utmost...
As an employee, there’s nothing more satisfying than working for a company that values your contributions and invests in your growth. Employee retention is a critical factor for the success of any organization, and effective communication plays a vital...
Mental health in the workplace is a pressing concern for HR professionals. Grasping the complexities of how stress and mental health challenges impact employees is essential for creating supportive work environments. Here's a comprehensive look at why this issue...
The Gen Z Factor The post-pandemic world has shifted the working landscape like never before. Companies were pushed to adapt to the “new normal” by implementing remote/hybrid accommodations and increasing focus on employee wellness. Despite all the changes that companies...
Employee burnout is a national crisis among workplaces, and it’s an issue that has continued to receive more attention since the start of the pandemic and The Great Resignation. Popular advice to prevent burnout is to ensure a healthy...
Coming out of a pandemic, the next generation of employees has been infiltrating the workforce, and they’re changing the game. While the norm for older generations had been to stay with the same company for 10-20 years, Gen Z...