Talent Management

Dive into the 2024 SHRM Employee Benefits Survey, a treasure trove of insights on the top employee benefits across the U.S. This annual survey, powered by data from HR professionals nationwide, shines a spotlight on six key benefits categories...
The evolution of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the workplace continues as more businesses realize the benefits that come along with them. With diverse companies being 70% more likely to attract new markets, it’s clear why DEI...
In today’s evolving workplace landscape, ensuring employee well-being is more critical than ever. From prenatal care to corporate wellness programs and financial health, HR professionals must adopt a holistic approach to support their workforce. Recent developments and research underline...
The recent unveiling of the TELUS Mental Health Index by TELUS Health, which surveys the mental well-being of employees across multiple countries, brings to light significant insights. The findings from the United States report reveal a concerning stagnation in the...
The Need for Upskilling and Reskilling In today's fast-paced business world, staying competitive means keeping up with the rapid changes in technology and industry demands. Companies must take a proactive approach to address the growing skills gap and enhance employee...
The benefits of promoting an empathetic workplace are too significant for HR professionals to ignore. Companies where leaders are perceived as empathetic see a reduction in employee turnover partnered with a rise in productivity. On top of a boost in...
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing and finding its way into various industries and sectors. One area where its impact is increasingly felt is in the hiring process, specifically in screening resumes. A recent ResumeBuilder...
The workforce is experiencing a major shakeup as Generation Z (born 1997-2012) enters the job market, bringing fresh perspectives and expectations. For HR professionals, understanding and adapting to Gen Z in the workplace is crucial for attracting and retaining...
America’s workforce is changing. While it’s obvious that economies and labor pools are almost never static in an open market, the changes we are seeing to modern western economies is unprecedented in terms of sheer scale, led on largely due...
As the demand for learning and development (L&D) professionals soars, driven by technological advancements and the strategic importance of L&D in tackling business challenges, HR professionals must stay ahead of the curve. The journey through this career can be...