Talent Management

Ever since the pandemic gave way to a rise in remote and hybrid work models, a new issue has arisen. How can employers ensure employees meet productivity levels when they are not in the office? The need to confirm...
PwC's Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2024 unfurls a tapestry of insights, painting a vivid picture of a workforce at the cusp of significant change and increasing workplace stress. As the global corporate landscape continues to evolve rapidly,...
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing and finding its way into various industries and sectors. One area where its impact is increasingly felt is in the hiring process, specifically in screening resumes. A recent ResumeBuilder...
The benefits of promoting an empathetic workplace are too significant for HR professionals to ignore. Companies where leaders are perceived as empathetic see a reduction in employee turnover partnered with a rise in productivity. On top of a boost in...
In today’s evolving workplace landscape, ensuring employee well-being is more critical than ever. From prenatal care to corporate wellness programs and financial health, HR professionals must adopt a holistic approach to support their workforce. Recent developments and research underline...
After the Great Resignation saw over 70 million people quit their jobs between April 2021 and April 2022, the remaining employees were left to deal with the aftermath. Those who stayed in their positions would have to take on...
Microfeminism, gaining traction from TikTok to corporate offices, presents a dynamic approach to bridging the gender gap in professional settings. This strategy involves intentional, minor actions—whether it's the inclusive language we adopt or the equitable acknowledgment of contributions—that collectively...
America’s workforce is changing. While it’s obvious that economies and labor pools are almost never static in an open market, the changes we are seeing to modern western economies is unprecedented in terms of sheer scale, led on largely due...
With advancements in healthcare allowing older employees to put off retirement while Generation Z ages into the workforce, HR leaders are now seeing their workplace attempt to integrate five generations of employees: traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and...
The Need for Upskilling and Reskilling In today's fast-paced business world, staying competitive means keeping up with the rapid changes in technology and industry demands. Companies must take a proactive approach to address the growing skills gap and enhance employee...